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Glucose in Urine During Pregnancy

pregistry blog756 19-Apr-2019

Glucose in Urine During Pregnancy

Mainly there is no sugar or very little sugar in urine during pregnancy. When the sugar is too much high in the body or in the blood then the excess sugar end up in the urine. This is called gestational diabetes which is developed or created during pregnancy. So during pregnancy it is important to take some regular urine tests. This tests are gave any information about any diseases or the condition that could potentially effects the baby. This diseases are also effects the growth of the baby. For healthy baby it’s required to have some routine check-up in every month during pregnancy.

Urine test

Urine tests very much important during pregnancy. Urine can be collected from the patients in time of the day. Before urinating patient should use a towel to clean the upper surface of the front and back side. Then release some urine into a cleaned container and the clinics service man collect these sample from home. The reports are given maximum in 2 days and then one can know about if there is any diseases in the body in mother. If the report find any type of major diseases and if it can be effects the health of the baby then the patients should consult with the doctor.

Glucose in urine

There is a very little sugar or no sugar in the blood or body during pregnancy. But sometimes the sugar level is high during many reasons then it is called gestational diabetes. This is the form of diabetes which is only happened during pregnancy. This happened when pregnancy hormones disrupt the body and it cannot use insulin, this chemical turns the sugar into energy. Generally doctors takes blood taste for diabetes early in the pregnancy. Sugar or diabetes are generally hereditary. 1+ sugar in urine when pregnant is a very much risky Matter and effects the baby.

About pregnancy

For a pregnant mother health is the most important thing. If the health is not well of the mother then then health of the baby is also not well. Nowadays all women didn’t know about the pregnancy much well and a country like India where 80 percent and above people’s are illiterate they don’t know how the whole pregnancy process is happens and they easily very tensed about this positive symptoms. So one can know from internet about these things.


This pregnant woman forum takes care of pregnant woman. In a server in the year of 2012 there are 213 million pregnancies occurred of which 190 million in developing world like Asia and 23 million in developed world. India is a developing world so it needed for woman to take care of them. The age of woman who are pregnant is 15 to 44 is 133 per 1000. About 10% to 15% pregnancies end as a miscarriage. In 2016 complications in pregnancy resulted in 230600 deaths down from 377000 death in 1990. There are many pregnancy forum in India. One can also know from internet about these pregnancy related things like glucose in urine during pregnancy but not diabetic.

Updated 19-Apr-2019

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